My owners have had to keep me own a long leash in the backyard since i would always run away. But now we have a fence and i get to run around free all day long. I do have 2 beagle friends that I run up and down the fence with but sometimes I go to fast and hit the fence I don't like that very much..Then Maggie who lives behind us is still on a leash so i don't get to play with her anymore, i hope her owners get a fence soon so she can run free like me....But I do get to come in at night and sleep with jordan I am usually very tired at the end of the day....Also I hear they are looking at getting a pool sweet!!!!!!!!
We are an awesome family that moves about every 2 years and its hard sometimes but the kiddos are troopers and i am proud of them...We're a family and we're in this together..It may be a crazy life but its our life..let the adventure begin with the new dog.